11 January 2011

Prayers and Notices 9th January 2011

For your prayers:

As the Church remembers the Baptism of Christ we remember in our prayers all those who are to be baptised this year.

<<>>Those who live in The Croft (Marsh Baldon) and the European School at Culham. Remember the school community and wider community in Culham as the school faces a consultation process concerning possible closure.

Staff, pupils and parents at Dorchester School.

Notices –

Culham School Closure consultation If anyone would like advice on how to help by taking part in the consultation please contact Revd Anne Ilsley 01865 407605 annefi36@aol.com

Confirmation Date June 12th 2011 Put the date in your diaries and speak to a member of clergy if you are interested in confirmation.

Updates from the Rector on Sabbatical soon to be posted on the blogspot on the Abbey website!